Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Episode 9: Decisions, Decisions

I'm pretty happy with the way this one turned out, especially the top part. I had toyed with a few different ways of showing all the options Chuck was exploring, but I like the overlapping panels the best. I should've aligned the USC one differently from the Louisville one to make it easier to tell them apart. And I have no idea if they actually do a cheer of "U-S-C, Dy-na-sty!" but the way they're going they certainly should.

New kneaded rubber eraser worked great for cleaning up after inking without destroying the paper. And the new pens continue to rule.

And by the way, if any of you are somehow interpreting this to be critical of "Millenium College" or any real-world college for being affordable, all I can say is, you're reading the strip (and the world) a lot differently than I do.


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